
David Thompson David Thompson has experience
George Boak George Boak has experience
Mental Models for Managers was first published in the UK by Century Business in 1998. In 2001, we decided to make it available through the web. It is published in Japanese by Shunjusha.

We believe that practical understanding is based on, and builds up through, the mental models we develop of ourselves and other people, of how to achieve results and of how things work.

Mental Models for Managers contains a selection of what we have found in ten years of this type of work to be the most useful mental models – the ones which have provided the most leverage in helping people to understand and to manage situations effectively. The most effective models, the ones which have had most impact on ourselves and on others, are often – although not always – the simplest.

We grouped the models under five broad headings:

Managing Self
Leading and Managing
Managing Operations
Most people will find some models with which they are familiar -and everyone will find some models they have never previously encountered.

Some models provide a new and unusual insight into situations, others provide a framework for identifying and analysing the component parts of an event, and will repay systematic and careful application.